What would be a simple path to success?
Become a successful person. What does it mean? Cultivate success personalities. I found the formula in Chapter 8 of the book "Psycho-Cybernetics" quite useful, in combination with the essence from the teachings of Wayne Dyer and Tony Robbins. Here is my personal interpretation of success personality formula.
Sense of Direction

Sense of direction
We must have a vision for our lives, small or big, short-term and/or long-term, because without vision people perish. Without a clear goal that is measurable and attainable, it does not matter how much potential a person has, he/she would just wander around, and either accept or complain about what life has "given" to him/her.
For young people who are still in school, this ought to be the most important task to complete before graduation. Because once they graduated, started a 9 to 5 job, like most people do, the amount of spare time they have will be reduced significantly. Once we are on a treadmill, with some comfort in life, it can be more difficult to really make good efforts to envision an amazing future with detailed measurable goals when simply doing the job and get paid every month seems to be the solution to life.
People complain about small problems in their lives because they do not have a bigger fish to fry. The quickest way to get out of a negative no-vision cycle is to take some time off from work or study, and create a vision of success on your term, for your life before doing anything else.
To be successful in life means we must be team players. Being a team player means being able to understand and communicate with others effectively. We have comfort in life because of the collective efforts being made by our brothers and sisters who keep this human ecosystem running. Construction workers, firemen, doctors, police, government workers, school teachers, post office workers, etc., are all essential parts of the ecosystems. Yet, we tend to take it for granted and do not understand when other people's perspectives are different from ours.
How do we understand others better? Simply ask questions with an open heart and mind, find out what others' dreams, values and rules are for their lives, and find ways to help them fulfill their dreams and needs, yours will be fulfilled too.
Are you operating from a place of fear or faith? Courage does not mean there is no fear. Courage means that you will take actions to get what you want in life regardless of the consequences from any potential risks associated with the decision and action. Operating from fear, you will shrink, which leads to less efforts and less outcomes, which creates a negative reinforcement loop because less results can lead to less confidence, which leads to less action, so on and so forth.
Do you want to feel love and accepted by others? If so, express love and acceptance to others. A person who does not have much compassion towards others inevitably does the same to him/herself. Compassion does not mean that you must agree with what others are doing and saying. It simply means that you understand that we all have our individual journeys in life.
If there are something you perceives in others as not up to your standards, you can simply either choose to support them and help them to get to where they want to be, or simply pray for their success and happiness in life at their own pace. Judgement toward others is exactly the opposite of compassion. The mind (ego) thinks by judging others, it becomes superior, but it's a trick that backfires very quickly when we judge ourselves.
What we do to others, we do unto ourselves. A lot of times, this feedback is delayed.
Esteem means appreciation. Self-esteem means appreciate yourself. List what you have accomplished in life, small or big, is the quickest way to remind yourself that you are truly wonderful. Compare where you are only to where you were 1, 2, 5, 10 years ago. Sometimes we tend to remember our past failures more than our past successes.
How do we appreciate ourselves more? Appreciate others more. We are essentially the same. If we complain, judge, criticize others, we are essentially doing the same unto ourselves.
Where does self-confidence come from? Self-confidence does not come from comparing to others and being top 10, or #1. Self-confidence comes from knowing that we can accomplish anything in life if we put our mind and body to it, if we are clear what we want, why we want it, and we are committed to get it no matter what it takes, how long it takes.
Success comes from self-expression. It means you are being who you are, instead of trying to be someone else. We are all on this journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance.
If you find any of my words resonate with you. I highly recommend that you read the book “Pscyho-Cybernetics” by Maxwell Maltz, MD. Here is the link you can use to purchase it from Amazon.