Wanting is suffering, if it defines the purpose of life; or/and if it focuses on self.
Wanting for the greater goods becomes purpose. Purpose is clear in the whole picture, not when focusing on the self, the part, the micro sector of the whole.
When looking at the single cell of the body, the purpose of body is not known. When looking at the whole body, the purpose of a single cell, or any single cell, is clear. Zooming out is the way, looking at the grand picture is the way.
When the world is all “crazy”, and seems to lose their senses of some basic knowledge sometimes, we should keep in the mind this is part of the evolution. There are always the enlightened ones, and the sleep walkers, who do not know their purposes. The human psyche of the world, based on what is portrayed on the display, can say a lot about where we are at this moment.
The most popular TV shows, programs, or movies, can also reflect where the human psyches are, in general. The most played games on Xbox and PS can also reflect the status of human psyche. The most popular songs in iTunes can also reflect what the mass is thinking. And they are consistent with one another. The human psyche, in general, has yet to go a long way to evolve, to become peace, love, compassion oriented status.
Embracing the shadow part, the dark forces inside each one of the souls, is the key. The awareness, the acceptance, the stop of denial. Where does cancer cell come from? A normal and healthy cell. When the external environment becomes hostile, it activates certain genes that are already in the cell’s DNA, and becomes a cancer cell, whose sole purpose is to accumulate itself, by attacking, and absorbing everything else around it, with no regards of the ecosystem of the body. Eventually, the body, as a whole, will be destroyed by the cancer cells, if they become the dominate force in the ecosystem. This is the perfect example of the dark force that is already in each soul, each existence, as the part of the system. We can call it the dark force, the shadow, the Yin (means shadow in Chinese), etc.
While murdering another person physically is defined as a punishable behavior, virtually killing (games) another person or watching someone killing someone else (virtually, or physically like boxing, any sort of fighting) is called entertainment. The hypocrisy of such phenomenon shall give a clear illustration of the existence of shadow force and how we grandiose the purity of human nature.
The soul is also a universal force. The force has dark and light, the two parts, which create the whole. The “battle” or dynamic between the two determines the status. It may evolve, but the two parts will always co-exist, and they cannot exist without each other.