I usually get up between 6AM and 7AM. As soon as I wake up, I will get up and wash my face and brush my teeth. Then, immediately, I proceed to my morning meditation spot and open the windows so that fresh air can flow in.
First, I do some basic alignment exercises:
Rotate my extended arms clockwise and counter clockwise for 20 times each
200 gentle squats
Jump up and down with my arms extended for at least 20 times
Then, I sit down on a comfortable cushion for the next part of my routine. It begins with priming, which I learned from Tony Robbins:
Explosive breathing for 30 times with arms moving up and down
Think about a moment that I feel grateful in my life
Visualize myself in that very moment; fully immerse myself; feel the color, the temperature, the warmth
I do these 3 times for 3 different moments in my life that I feel very grateful for. [At first you may find it hard to think about a moment you are grateful for if you have not done this exercise before. The key is to simply ask yourself the question “When was a moment that I felt very grateful in life?” Keep asking yourself this question, your mind will search for the occasions and they will come up sooner or later. You do not need to fix your selections on the first try.]
For each of the three moments you decide to use, it is important that you visualize that moment right in front of you as if you are going into that body of yours at that specific time and location. Each moment should take about 1 to 3 minutes.
If you feel completely immersed in that moment and seem to forget time, simply let yourself immerse in it as long as you want. By simply immersing yourself in those moments, you increase your gratitude towards life. It brings positive energy to your spirit, mind, and body.
After these three sets of priming, I simply carry the momentum from the serenity into mediation with the same sitting position.
For invocation, I thank God, all spiritual helpers, all saints. I follow the invocation with a silent prayer as “I ask the universal intelligence to give me more wisdom, guide me on my journey of life to fulfill my destiny, to be a force for good, to lead, to serve, to defy the odds, to set new standards, to step up. I let go all my mental burdens. Let me for the vessel for your divine message.”
After the prayer, I simply sit with spine erect and let my entire body relax and focus on listening to the voice of the universal intelligence.
Most of the time, it is very quiet. Sometimes I “hear” something. It is usually a thought that comes up suddenly, and I know it is the divine message when I feel very peaceful, centered, and absolutely certain of the message. It is important not to have any expectations of what you want to hear or achieve by this meditation. Desire, of any kind, inevitably pulls you off center. The center is the void, the ultimate peace. It is only when our mind is empty that you can receive. It is like a glass full of liquid; there is no more liquid it can hold unless the contents inside are removed first.
So, how long do I meditate? There is no time set for my meditation. I have found that simply letting myself meditate as long as I feel like being in that state. Sometimes it is just 2 minutes; sometimes it is more than half an hour.
Again, the key is not to set any expectation of how long a meditation should be, or what you want to get out from the meditation. Meditation is not a trade between your time and the universal intelligence. The universal intelligence does not pay you for your time. The universal intelligence has a set of rules that it follows unconditionally.
May 25, 2019