Am I observing? Or am I being observed? The subject doing is also being done.
The perception is an illusion because it focuses on part of the reality. It’s not right or wrong. It’s the perception. Perception can change, the reality does not. The reality itself, thus has no flavor or judgement. Perception makes it so. Suffering is non-acceptance. Suffering is resistance. Non-resistance does not equal non-action. Action that comes from resistance is reaction. Action that comes from non-resistance is movement towards its purpose. Resistance to change comes from the cosmic habit force, which produces oranges from orange seeds, chicken from eggs.
Does change come from our mind? Or does change come from the agenda of the universal intelligence itself? The consciousness itself has the agenda, which manifests through vessels in existence. Thus, it sets the agenda. The “resistance” from the pressed, charged, is actually part of the change, regardless of the outcome. As the outcome is pre-determined on a much larger scale. When focusing on a micro-level, what appears to be uncertainty, is actually determined by the certainty on a higher level, not necessarily the next.
If you look at two soldiers fighting on the field, who seem to have equal strength, the results may seem to be uncertain. But if zooming out from the two soldiers, you see the vast superiority of the army on one side against the other. The level of certainty towards the outcome increases. It’s similar to how the intraday stock price may seem to be a random walk from minute to minute, hour to hour, but the macro-level of stock market movement can be foreseen with some level of certainty.