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My 5 Biggest Takeaways from Tony Robbins Business Mastery I in Las Vegas 2019

1. Focus on one thing at a time.

I had a few goals set up in terms of business and personal growth. Making daily targets for both areas did not work well for me. From time to time, I felt overloaded because of not reaching either one on a daily basis. Now, I decided to set two weeks aside to achieve personal growth goals, and then move on the next top priority in business development, and then the next one. Where focus goes, energy flows. It is a lot easier and much more productive to focus on one goal for a set period of time before moving on to the next one.

2. State is everything.

Anything we want to achieve, either business or personal, is always 80% psychology and 20% mechanics. Without being a state of absolute certainty and confidence, we cannot fully utilize our potential and, thus, produce subprime results. This may further impact our beliefs of what we are capable of. This is also the most important message I got from Unleash the Power Within. I am practicing this everyday by following morning priming and meditation routine and stick to my exercise routine with no exceptions.

3. I found out who I am.

There are three archetypes: artist, leader/manager, and entrepreneur. I am an artist, and entrepreneurial. This makes it clear for me to understand who I am, and whom I need to be on my team to make my business sustainable.

4. Cultivate the habits of success every day.

What you do not use, you will lose. Habits, once a part of you, will propel you to success effortlessly.

What I do every day to cultivate the success habits:

A. Feed and strengthen my body (healthy diet and exercise routine without exceptions)

B. Feed and strengthen my mind (read one hour a day)

C. Find several role models; study and model them (I already have my role models)

D. Proximity is power (select a peer group that pushes me to grow)

5. State – Story – Strategy – Massive Action

Again, if you want to achieve anything in life, it is 80% psychology and 20% mechanics.

Once you know how to get into peak state on demand and tell yourself an empowering story, you need to find the best tools and strategies and take massive action! Then, success is just a matter of time. You need all of these components. Without being in the peak state, or without an empowering story (strong enough reason), even the best strategies can still produce lousy results.

So, is Tony Robbins Business Mastery worth the investment of $10,000 and 5 days (50 hours) of your time? You bet.

I got my investment’s worth back on the third day. There are many other useful strategies I learned from this workshop that apply to sales, marketing, and innovation.

If you want to learn more about Business Mastery, the link is below.

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