This is part two of a summary of the 13 principles of Napoleon Hill’s Master Key lecture series on Amazon Prime. I also added the 4 principles that were not covered at the end of this summary. If you have not read part one yet, please read the previous post first.
8. Enthusiasm
Knowledge becomes power only when it is applied to achieve a definite purpose.
A speaker with no enthusiasm has no audience.
Every brain is both a broadcasting and receiving station. When you turn on enthusiasm, it reaches people quickly.
Enthusiasm is very contagious; it causes people to respond with same enthusiasm.
Prayer expressed with intense enthusiasm brings quicker results.
9. Personal initiative
It starts the faculty of imagination. Learn to act on your personal initiative. You must achieve what you want by yourself without someone telling you what to do.
Leaders are not? told what to do; they do based on their own personal initiatives
A winner never quits; a quitter never wins.
There are two types of people who will never amount to anything: the ones that will never do what they are told, and the ones that will do anything else.
10. Learn from adversities
Convert every adversity, challenge, and failure into assets to help you achieve what you want.
Your positive mental attitude (PMA) is the only means to convert the adversities into assets to help you achieve success.
The great blessings come from the greatest adversities. Every adversity carries the seed of equivalent benefits. So look for it.
Universal law: You lose what you do not use.
Nothing can become failure unless you accept it as such.
As Tony Robbins says, it is not what happens to you that determines your life; it is what meaning you give to those things and what you decide to do about them determine the quality of your life.
11. Creative vision
There are two forms of imagination
Synthetic imagination: organize and put together of existing knowledge
Creative imagination: operate through the sixth sense, serve as exclusive channel where new ideas are revealed. Creative imagination can become alert only through constant actions.
12. Accurate thinking
Inductive reasoning – necessary facts are not available
Deductive reasoning – have the facts
Separate the facts from fiction
Separate facts into important and unimportant facts. You will be surprised how many unimportant facts you encounter daily.
Important facts are the ones that will help you attain your purpose. All the other facts are not important.
Most opinions are of no value, because they are based on bias, ignorance, etc.
Do not express opinions if you don’t have the facts. The more successful a person is, the less frequently he expresses his opinion.
Ask people “How do you know?” Be a doubting Thomas.
13. Cosmic habit force (CHF)
Learn to occupy your mind with the only things that help you to fulfill your purpose. Always watch the gate of your mind.
When human mind is fixed on a purpose, the CHF immediately attracts the materials to fulfill the purpose. It also attracts all things to materialize any negative thoughts.
Those who enjoy success have already established a successful habit.
People who are failures are also influences of the negative application of CHF (the hypnotic rhythm)
Take possession of your mind, use self-discipline to have positive mental attitude. It access a magnet that attracts everything that reflects your mind.
Here are the other four principles not included in the video lecture series.
14. Controlled Attention (as Tony Robbins says “where focus goes, energy flows”)
15. Teamwork (refer to the mastermind principle)
16. Health (success comes from physical, emotional, and spiritual mastery)
17. Budgeting Time & Money (refer to self-discipline)
The above is part two of a summary of selected few key points I wrote down while going through the lecture series. If you find that some of them resonates with you, I strongly suggest you go watch the video lecture series of Napoleon Hill’s Master Key on Amazon Prime. It consists of 13 short video lectures and 2 bonus lectures. The links are below. If you want to dig deeper, I strongly recommend his book “Think and Grow Rich.”
May 29, 2019