Once you learnt something, it's stored all in your brain. Storage is easy, retention needs practice, pulling it out of your head as soon as possible, which creates retention. Also, take actions to start the continuum, keeping yourself in state. While in state, take some actions to carry the momentum.
State - Story - Strategy
Story is the meaning you assign to the event in your life. Change your state, your story will change. Whenever you are stuck, you are stuck in a belief system, in a lousy state. You are not present. Focus on what you CAN control at this moment of life. Your ability to kill the monster when it is little is critical. What you focus on, you feel it.
Language, is this the end or the beginning?
You need a compelling future to give you the drive, energy to move forward, especially when the going gets tough. Because if you have the compelling future, you have the power to deal with the challenges daily. We have a part that is complaining, also have a part that is invincible, can accomplish anything we set our mind to. Which part you decide to use to show up, is how you can change your life.
Ask you shall receive, first go deliver something to someone, adding values first, give before you want to take anything. ASK UNTIL - Ask until you find the answer. There are two ways to grow your business. Innovation and marketing. Who is your ideal customer? Who's going to buy from you in the middle of winter? An irresistible offer, over deliver, and you will build client relationship, and they know that you always over deliver and add massive values.
Find a way to become an owner, not just consumer. Less than 10% American have passport, their idea of US is all from the media and what they were taught in school. Remember, every year, there is a market correction. 80% correction turns around, not becoming a bear market.
Repetition, repetition, repetition, and there comes a moment you will not forget anymore. It’s like mastering any skills, like riding bicycle, driving a car, cooking, building a furniture
Sympathetic, and para-sympathetic system, the balance between the two. One is active, one is stillness.
Not tolerating limitation. Stop tolerating limitations. It CAN BE done, just the tradeoff you are willing to do. You can lose 50 pound weight overnight by removing a leg or arm. This example is used to show there is always a solution, it is really the question what you are willing to give to in order to get what you want.
Once you remember who you are (the unlimited part), that identity will create more compelling futures. Don't trade your body like a rental car, treat it like a luxury car. A person that is healthy has a million dreams, a person that is not healthy has only one.
5 keys to breakthrough
Complexity is enemy of execution.
1. Get clear on what you want, and where you are. Clarity is power. The clearer you are about something, the quicker your brain can get you there. Where is the gap, what can I do to close the gap? There is a difference between schooling and education. Difference between successful people and not so successful people is hunger. Hunger to be more, to love more, care more, give more, honor creator, honor their own values. Find that hunger, and then you will be able to close the gap. Master does it when it is uncomfortable, do it again and again, and again, repetition is the mother of all skills. Knowing does not mean shit, doing is everything.
2. Crush and destroy anything limiting stories in your head. Suffering is in your perception of the fact. Your story is creating the pain. It makes you not taking it as the gift from life. The way you get rid of your story is to realize the limitation of your stories, focus on what you HAVE, and what you CAN make happen if you are committed. Philosophy tells me the meaning; strategy is how to get there. Philosophy of stretching. If you think you CANNOT, you MUST. If you know that if you do it, you will be better, then you must do it, even if you think you cannot do it. Anything you know if you do it, you will be better, simply do it. Learnt helplessness is the story that we tell ourselves sometimes. Optimists achieve so much more than pessimists. PPP (Permanent, Pervasive, Personal) - What I feed grows, if you feed your fear, you get more fearful, if you feed your strength, you get stronger. Permanent, Only my soul is permanent, no problems are permanent. Pervasive, (one area affects another) - It's BS. There is always something in life that is beautiful!! There is so much. Personal It's not personal, it's just a habit, a pattern. It's easy to change a pattern. Crush, destroy, annihilate your story of limitation. Destroy the limitations.
3. Watch your language, and listen, know what needs to be shifted. State (physiology, focus, language) If you believe it's a gift, you find the gift in it. Our languages help us to shape the meaning, the reality. Make sure I am using the language, not the language using me. Watch your T.V. (transformational vocabulary) Some words ignite, some words melt people. We don't realize how we use words to put us into a pattern. Those habitual words are creating the patterns, are creating your emotional homes. Example: one of Tony’s partner in earlier days believed " If I am angry, I lose my edge, and then I do not have upper hands, I will remain calm, and see open windows to make a change". Get overly emotional is going to cause you to lose the battle. Don't miss the 30 minutes reading every day (Jim Rohn). "The Magic of Believing", conditioning yourself over and over again. Incant what you want to feel.
4. Once you know the gap, once you got better language, massive actions is the cure all. Don’t' wait until you are ready. What you got to be able is to do it regardless of any fear. Remember the cold plunge exercise Tony does every morning to condition his mind. When you do it, you start believing. You do it, and you will believe it. You believe it, and then you see it. Massive action is the cure all. Keep changing your approach if it does not work. What made Sarah successful? Learn, change, did it, learn, change, and did it. We are all self-creative. Actions create momentum. Momentum is your friend. Massive action creates massive momentum. Don't hesitate, take actions immediately. Actions without thought is what's gonna shift you. If you don't set the next thing to do, there is going to be a dip. Only thing will make us happy is the progress.
Example of Tony’s daughter - If you are beating everyone else in local competition, it means you are not growing, you must give yourself more challenge. Take classes from the best acting coach on earth and go to Broadway if you want to become a Broadway dancer. Jim Rohn - Discipline weights ounces, regrets weights ton.
5. Give more and you ever expect to receive, you will be taken care of. The law of Karma, and reciprocity (my own comments). Do the right thing, spontaneously, the soul knows it is right. Remember Tony's story about giving to the little boy, did what was right. Mindset of abundance!! The secret of living is giving. If you are not happy, you are focusing on you, find someone who is worse than you, and help them. The lack of liberation is the limiting belief you have. Don't accept the limitation. Come up with languages that empower you. If you won't give a dime out a dollar, you are not going to give out anything.
The tool to close the gap (From Dean)
1. Where are you? Be honest with yourself. The dance between where you feel comfortable, and where you want to be. Identity, and compound.
2. Where do you want to go? Say about where you want to go. Look at where you want to go, not where you don't want to go. Think about that positive point where you want to go, just focus on that. Pretend it's one year from now, you are looking backwards, it's the best year of your life, with your finance, health, passion in your life. Write it down, that's when you really design your compelling future.
3. Why do you want it? Attach emotions to where you want to. 7 level deep, going from head to toe. Must remember the why, not focus the crap and BS that is going on outside, externally.
4. How are you going to get to where you want to go? What's the next level capability you need to have to achieve your goal.
June 29, 2020